Intimacy coaching

Create an intimate sex life
that makes you feel relaxed
AND excited.

Yes, both are possible.

You're here because you worry about your sex life (or the lack of it).

You're here because...

You’re in a close and loving relationship, but the sex is not how you think it should be. Although you don’t feel like it regularly, you wish that you did.

You wonder if there’s an alternative?

I’m here to tell you: Yes there is.

I help people who struggle to enjoy sex and intimacy, to create a happy and healthy sex life that feels fullfilling to THEM

Why is it so hard?

  • You are afraid of not meeting your partner’s expectations
  • You have a certain idea of what your sex life should look like, and you don’t know how to get there
  • You find it hard to talk about sex, or you’re just not used to it
  • You’ve never really thought about what you want in the bedroom, or how to communicate it
  • You’ve got negative associations around sex
  • Your body doesn’t always ‘work well’ when you have sex (e.g. you experience pain during sex or erection problems) and this makes you feel less valuable as a partner
  • You are afraid that your partner will be disappointed or will you leave if you if the sex is lacking

If one or more of the above applies to you, it is interesting to read on.

The good news is: there’s nothing wrong with you.

There's something wrong with the way society portrays sex

The sex we see in movies, books, education, from parents, friends and society isn’t necessarily a healthy representation of what sex can be for you.

Images of people instantly ripping each others clothes off. Always being in the mood at the right time. Feeling ready to go for it within seconds, working their way up to a simultaneous orgasm.

This misrepresentation brings into the bedroom a pressure to perform, and has us feeling less than, if we don’t live up to the scenes that we’ve seen in movies. This damages our ability to see ourselves as a worthy partner in and outside of the bedroom.

This eats away our ability to feel relaxed and confident in the bedroom, and over time makes it very hard to feel excited about having sex.

There is another way

In my coaching I help you to let go of ideas of what sex should look like and to discover what makes YOU happy in the bedroom. Allowing you to have a more intimate relationship with your partner.

My vision for you:

You’ve redefined what sex means to you.
You’ve taken steps to discover what makes you feel happy in the bedroom.
You feel a deeper connection with yourself, your body and your partner.
There’s no need to feel pressure anymore.
You’ve let go of goals, and ideas of how things should be.
You feel relaxed about sex.
Even when it hasn’t happen for a while.
You talk about it with your partner.
You experience that talking about what happens or what doesn’t happen in the bedroom, can actually lead to more intimacy.
Insecurity about how your body works is a thing of the past.
You understand why your body reacts this way, and you know what you can do about it if you want to change it.
You feel empowered as an intimate partner. 
You express your needs and desires, you set healthy boundaries without losing the connection with your partner, and you’ve learned to receive rejection as a valuable gift rather than a painful message.
"In only 5 sessions I discussed all my "difficult" things. It feels special that I have discussed so much in such a short time. And I'm still seeing the effects of it. Irene taught me to trust my gut. I now really feel a closer connection to myself."

Intimacy coaching is for you if...

  • You’re in a loving relationship, that is working on all levels but the sex life is lacking
  • Or you’re single and your struggles with sex are keeping you from enjoying intimate sexual interactions or starting a relationship
  • You’re open and curious to learn about yourself
  • You’ve done some personal development / inner work, but not yet in the realm of sex and intimacy

This is NOT for you if...

  • You are looking for an ecstatic tantric awakening
  • You’re only looking for sexual techniques and better orgasms
  • You’re looking for a quick fix (this work takes time, this is why I work with a minimum commitment of 3 months, see further below) 
  • Your issues with sex stem from unresolved trauma – I’m not a trauma therapist*
  • You experience constant pain in your pelvic area

* However, when you’ve worked on this and you’re ready for the next step: to enjoy sex again, feel free to hit the button below!

During our time together

  • We will untangle what is holding you back to create and enjoy a healthy and happy sex life
  • We will look at your beliefs and assumptions around what sex should look like
  • I will guide you to discover your personal definition of what a truely happy, healthy and intimate sex life means to you
  • We will use body-oriented practices to deepen the connection with yourself and with your body
  • I will give you practices to try at home, for yourself and together with your partner

What you can expect

Twice-monthly calls with me to guide you in creating a healthy and intimate sex life that makes you smile and long for more. I’m here to listen, reflect, inspire, and guide. I offer a save space to talk about sex and intimacy, knowledge about how the body reacts and why, guidance in discovering what you need to open up, and body-oriented exercises to connect with yourself and with your desires and boundaries.

There is a minimum commitment of 3 months but once that’s over, you can stay with me as long as you like or you can cancel any time. For the logistics and price see below.

The logistics:

  • Two 60 minute sessions per month
  • E-mail support in between sessions
  • Minimum commitment of 3 months (6 sessions)

The investment:

€ 200 per month

All my sessions happen online by Zoom.

Apply for Intimacy Coaching

If you want to experience what it’s like to have me as your coach, schedule a complimentary coaching session with me by clicking the button below. This is a 1 hour online coaching session, not a getting-to-know-each-other call. It’s a no strings attached gift from me to you.

If we both happen to feel a clear Yes by the idea of moving forward together, then we’ll schedule a separate call to discuss working together. If that sounds like a good plan to you, then go ahead and click the button below to book your gift session today.

Can I do this with my partner? Yes, you can!
Click here for more info about: Couples Sessions.